Brittany Ferries: CEO’s testimony
Christophe Mathieu, CEO of Brittany Ferries, talks about the performance-based purchasing approach launched several years ago. The project began with a Purchasing diagnosis, which led to the creation of a new Purchasing department within the company. The adoption of PerAngusta's digital solution has helped to streamline the workflow and improve real-time budgetary performance monitoring.
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Elivia: HR Deputy Director's testimony
Catherine Chalumeau, HR Deputy Director, discusses the "Management by Elivia" project, intended to establish a lasting managerial culture
Ima Protect: Deputy Director's testimony
Jean-Pierre Deleplanque, Deputy Director, discusses the transformation project underway at Ima Protect, aiming to improve processes, organization and management skills
Valrhona: Quality Director's testimony
Isabelle Tournier, Quality Director, discusses the multi-site Operational Excellence project launched by Valrhona, addressing challenges related to Food Safety Culture and Quality.