Ima Protect: Deputy Director’s testimony
Jean-Pierre Deleplanque, Deputy Director, discusses the transformation project underway at Ima Protect, aiming to improve processes, organization and management skills, while putting managers at the heart of the project.
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Onduline France transforms its customer service
Onduline France optimizes its processes and reorganizes its customer service for greater customer satisfaction. A look back at a collaborative project carried out with its employees.
Alsachimie: Putting "behaviors and attitudes" at the heart of the strategy
Alsachimie, a leader in the chemical industry, places behaviors and attitudes at the core of its strategy through an innovative framework, derived from the company's values and shared with all its employees.
Elivia: HR Deputy Director's testimony
Catherine Chalumeau, HR Deputy Director, discusses the "Management by Elivia" project, intended to establish a lasting managerial culture