Operational excellence: simply working together
Vicat adopted an operational excellence approach to their working practices. The aim : to improve the margin for manoeuvre, to improve the competitiveness
Vicat adopted an operational excellence approach to their working practices. The aim : to improve the margin for manoeuvre, to improve the competitiveness
MNH launched a project to decompartmentalise the company in order to enhance its operational efficiency and give full customer satisfaction.
En l’absence de progrès, en 2014, le groupe AgroMousquetaires a donc décidé de revoir en profondeur sa politique sécurité. Objectif : zéro accident !
En 10 ans, Alliance Océane a changé de braquet. Ciblant la productivité à l’origine, l’entreprise a fait de la sécurité sa priorité.
In 2013, Soitec goes through a crisis. How do you restore employee confidence and engagement ?
The Barry Callebaut's Louviers site (Eure region) was chosen by the Group to work on improving the efficiency of the industrial organisations.
The goal is to review the organisation of production on its industrial sites in order to boost productivity and maintain its competitiveness.